
Kevin Russ Interview – Photographer

by . September 24th, 2007

Hello Mr.Russ, thanks for taking the time to speak with us. To start, could you tell us a little about yourself and what you do?

My name is Kevin and I live in Portland, Oregon. I’m originally from Arroyo Grande, California but I moved to Portland to go to Multnomah Bible College in 2003. I’m a photographer and part time image inspector for iStockphoto.


How long have you been a photographer?

I got my first camera at the end of 2003 cause I kinda wanted another hobby and taking pictures seemed like fun. I don’t know when I really became a photographer. Taking pictures has been my only source of income since summer 2005.

Did you go to school for photography or did you jump right into it?

I just jumped into it.

Is photography how you earn your living?

Yeah and image inspecting for iStock.

If so, is it hard to make a living as a photographer?

I don’t think it’s too hard but I think I’m doing things differently than a lot of photographers.

Do you prefer to freelance, do stock photography or anything else over the others?

I don’t really do freelance. I put all my pictures onto iStockphoto but most of my pictures aren’t traditional “stock” compared to the big sellers on there.

Are you mainly a local photographer of Portland, Oregon?


Do you plan to travel or stay local for most of your shoots?

I don’t really have any plans. I’ll travel if I feel like it.

What was the hardest photo shoot you have done?

There’s been a couple hard ones when it’s windy and cold. I don’t have a studio so I’m always shooting outside.

Can you remember a photo shoot that was particularly fun or enjoyable?

Yeah pretty much all of them. I always enjoy taking pictures.

What type of photographs do you enjoy taking the most?

Probably the ones where I don’t look through the lens.

How did you start taking those types of photographs?

I just press the button at random times when the camera is in random positions.

What is the hardest thing about being a photographer so far?

Probably just keeping track of shoots and stuff, and meeting people all the time.

What is the best part about being a photographer?

It’s fun and I would do it even if it weren’t my job.

Do you have any favorite websites or resources relating to your field?

What advice do you have for aspiring photographers?

Try new stuff all the time with your camera and Adobe Photoshop Software.

Kevin Russ Portfolio


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