
365 Paintings for Ants by Lorraine Loots

by . October 19th, 2014

Since January 1, 2013, Cape Town-based artist Lorraine Loots got her hands full creating highly detailed paintings for her long running “small” project. 365 Paintings for Ants is a year-long project in which Loots is creating one miniature painting per day with different subjects. She started sharing her creations online. Along the way, her project evolved and people started booking specific dates and making suggestions for a particular subject on that day. Making this project a collaboration between Loots and her visitors online.



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These works of art might look like just ordinary paintings at first until you saw a coin and a pencil around it. The surrounding tools suddenly dwarfed the whole illustration and will make you realize how small these paintings are. According to the artist, all of her artworks for this series were measured not bigger than 30cm each or are just scarcely larger than a small coin. Check these out!

These are some of the most stunning creations from her Paintings for Ants series. All of  these artworks were created in 2013. (works are not in chronological order) 

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After completing her first series of paintings in 2013, Loots is now continuing her project this year. In celebration of her city’s designation as World Design Capital 2014, the series is carrying out a new theme called Postcards for Ants. All of the paintings were Cape Town-themed. This project is ongoing so if you are interested to book a date and make suggestions for future postcards, visit her website. At the end of the year, all of the these postcards will be on an exhibit before handling them to their respective buyers.



These are some of her latest creations. All postcards are 10×10 cm in size and were framed using raw wood. All subjects were suggested by different people from around the world. Notice how small and intricate the details are in each painting. These really are must-haves for all the art enthusiasts out there!

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She’s been sharing her creations on Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr. You can visit her personal website if you’re interested in booking a date and make a reservation for one of these awesome postcards.


Manila-based multimedia designer specializing in graphic design, illustration and photo manipulations. Fascinated with vector illustrations, minimalist designs, and clever advertising ideas. Always on the lookout for creative stuff serving as his daily dose of inspiration.