If you don’t have a portfolio site yet or are looking to create an easy to update, fast loading and slick looking portfolio than you should be using WordPress. Traditionally WordPress is a blogging content management system, but recently it has been used to be the back end for many cool types of sites such as portfolio sites for photographers and designers.
WordPress is easy to install on most web hosting accounts and you can have a site up and running in minutes. After the install all you need to do is purchase or find a free theme and upload it. You can then install any additional plugins you want and make tweaks to the design and upload your own work. I highly recommend adding your own personal touch to these designs since you are most likely a graphic designer if you are reading this post and it would be some what odd if you did not design the site even if you don’t really do web design. You can easily have a coder help you implement the new design or have them or make changes you are not familiar with.
Below are some of the coolest theme designed for WordPress with designers in mind.
WordPress Portfolio Themes
1. Briefcase Portfolio WordPress Theme

2. Sharpfolio²

3. Portfolio WordPress Theme

4. ProudFolio

5. Cassiopeia

6. Foreword Thinking

7. Geometric