
A Wall Calendar Showcasing The History of a Typeface Every Month

by . August 17th, 2014

What other way to show your ultimate love for typefaces other than celebrating the history of how some of the most iconic typefaces are created on a daily basis.

If you are reading this, chances are you are huge typography nerd and you are not afraid to show it to the world. If we are right then we are sure that you will definitely love this new calendar from Workman Publishing. Their new calendar showcases a different typeface each month, showcasing the history behind it, where it was used, the foundry where it was cast as well as the designers who made the typeface and a diagram of it’s x-height, cap height and such.


Some of the famous fonts are featured are Akzidenz-Grotesk which help birth the ubiquitous Helvetica. It is then followed by Matrix which was designed and used by Mac. Other fonts are Caslon for April which is known as the font being used by English kings and not to mention in the Declaration of Independence. Century for July and interestingly enough, the font is required by the Supreme Court of the United States. August pays homage Gill Sans which was designed for the London Underground. The names of the days as well as the number for the dates are printed in various styles and weights of the typfaces. By using the different weights shows the amazing versatility of the typeface’s letterforms.


If you are interested in getting hold of this awesome 28 page calendar for a friend or for yourself you can purchase one in Workman Publishing for $13.99.

What do you guys think? Is this calendar perfect or not? Do share your thoughts at the comments below. Don’t forget to check us out in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and in Pinterest as well to get the latest news and everything that is graphic design.

Source: Fastcompany | Workman Publishing