Last updated on August 14th, 2023 at 06:44 am
Much like other social accounts, Instagram has been a part of the daily lives of most of us. With more than 200 million monthly users sharing 60 million photos on a daily basis, Instagram is now a major source of inspiration not just for photography enthusiasts but creatives as a whole. From the behind-the-scenes look at creative processes, and unique photography series to breathtaking sceneries and creative short videos, Instagram has them all.
Today in YTD, we have listed some of the most creatively inspiring artists on Instagram you might want to follow for your daily dose of creative juices. The list features photographers, illustrators, fashion designers, street artists, and many other creatives, with cool projects all being shared on Instagram. Check them out below, and you might just want to lessen your selfie photos, start creating a unique Instagram project, and get Instagram comments full of appraisal!
Enjoy, and have a creative day ahead, everyone!
1. Javier Pérez | @cintascotch – for whimsical photos combining doodles and ordinary objects

SEE ALSO: Conceptual Photos of Objects Combined with Drawings by Javier Perez
2. Audrey Kawasaki | @audkawa – for behind the scene look at her flawless paintings

3. Chris Connolly | @chrisconnolly – for breathtaking landscapes and cityscapes

4. J Scott Campbell | @jscottcampbellart – for some dose of comic book art stuff

5. Ryan McGinness | @mcginnessworks – for words and phrases in various typography styles

6. Kerstin Hiestermann | @spielkkind – for more conceptual photos of objects combined with drawings

7. Cj Hendry | @cj_hendry – for jaw-dropping photorealistic pen drawings

SEE ALSO: Photorealistic Pen Drawings by Cj Hendry
8. Adam Senatori | @adamsenatori – for some amazing aerial photography

9. Sam Larson | @samlarson – for some incredibly small but detailed drawings

10. Cheryl H | thedreamingclouds – for creating comic and fantasy scenes by adding drawings to photos

11. Julie Lee | @julieskitchen – for more organized taking photos of food

12. Mike | @emotionslive – for photos of amazing drawings fresh from his table

13. Robert Jahns | @nois7 – for cool photos of death-defying scenes

14. Manon Wethly | @manonwethly – for photos of flying stuff

15. Jo Harrison | @joharrisontattoo – for some dose of cool tattoos

16. Zachary Smith | @zacharysmithh – for some awesome hand drawn typographic quotes

17. Liv Buranday | @livscreams – for some amazing ground coffee art

18. Darryll Jones | @darrylljones – for everyday adventures of stormtroopers

19. Lisa Evans | @firefluff – for her cute and surreal sketched worlds

20. Daniel Arsham | @daniel_arsham – for some dose of his intriguing sculptures and designs

21. Joshua Geyer | @joshuabgeyer – for some amazing street art

22. Grace Chon | @thegracechon – for cute stuff like a series of fun portraits of a dog and a baby

23. Lena Ker | @lenaker – for some dose of fashion illustrations

24. Mattias Adolfsson | @mattiasink – for some awesome baroque style illustrations

25. Osgemeos | @osgemeos – for more street art and installations

Do you know other creative Instagram accounts we should add to this list? Share your thoughts in the comments!