Where stories happen can be just as iconic as the characters in them.
Spanish interior designer Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde (aka “nikneuk”) knows this better than anyone. He’s created a series of floor plans of pop culture residences, drawing inspiration from movies and television. Lizarralde obviously knows his classic films and TV really well.
He features many of these illustrations on his Facebook Page, TV FLOOR PLANS and MORE and has them available as physical prints on his Esty shop.
See if you agree with his interpretations in the examples below!
Up House

The Golden Girls House

Will and Grace Apartments

Three’s Company House

Sex and The City – Carrie Bradshaw’s Apartment

Dexter’s House

Friends – Chandler-Joey & Monica-Rachel Apartments

Two and a Half Men – Charlie’s House

How I Met Your Mother – Ted’s Apartment


Gilmore Girls’ House

The Simpsons

Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Holly Golightly’s Apartment


Check out more of Iñaki Lizarralde’s work on Tumblr and Facebook page.