Lisa Krowinski is a letterpress printer hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She’s a graduate of Edinboro University of Pennsylvania with a BFA in Graphic Design. Lisa is the creative mind behind the letterpress print shop called Sapling Press that specializes in stationary, invitations, announcements and custom printing services. A large body of her designs is typography based and for the most part is intended to be humorous.
Her most noted project so far is called the “Dear Blank” cards, a collaboration with her colleague Jared, moderator of the website “Dear Blank, Please Blank”. We’re sure that you’ve encountered these cards that we feature below. The project is a series of cards that sarcastically make fun of things like Twilight to grammar Nazis. Because of their minimalist design, beautiful type and witty copy, these cards are worth giving to a friend who appreciates dry humor.
Dear Dora,
You’re bilingual at age 4, and you seriously can’t see the orange tree?!
Sincerely, It’s right there!
In Lisa’s own words, “We make the cards you give to that one friend of yours who truly gets it. You know the one.”

You can check out more of Lisa Krowinski’s work on her website or purchase some of them on Etsy.
Agents of Change: Lisa Krowinski | Sapling Press (Pgh)
Ecka & Pecka’s Blog
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