What’s the first rule of Fight Club?

For the movie buff, you already know the answer. For the uninitiated, well, we don’t talk about that here. *wink wink*
There are lot of things that can be used as a reference to a movie. It could be the characters or the movie’s McGuffin, that is “an object or device in a movie or a book that serves merely as a trigger for the plot.” But arguably, the best representation of a movie is its memorable quotes.
In every movie, there is probably one spoken line that sums up everything. Most typography artists uses movie quotes in their projects.
But what about neon lights?

Movie site PopCorn Garage created typographic neon lights featuring memorable quotes from acclaimed movies.
These gifs are created to complement their movie site, where you are challenged to name all the movie referenced in the following picture.

Each quote is designed with equally memorable objects or iconic moments from the movie. The result is quite an effective graphic design advertisement should each movie decide to create a themed pub.
Check out PopCorn Garage’s movie gifs below. Can you recognize them all?

For the rest of the neon light movie quotes, check out their Tumblr account.
Did you manage to name them all? Comment below!