
Target Introduces Fantastic New Packaging For Market Pantry Brand

by . May 27th, 2016

Target’s new packaging makes you forget they’re a discount retailer.

One thing about discount stores is that the packaging is often uninspired and quite generic-looking to the point that you end up having to really take a good look to know which store a product came from.

While it’s true that a lot of the final price of any product can be traced back to packaging and marketing expenses, larger firms such as Target are better equipped to absorb such expenses if they feel better packaging could result in more sales or better rapport with its customers.

In 2015, Target CEO Brian Cornell, previously CEO of PepsiCo Americas Foods, said in a Fortune magazine interview that improving Target’s food category would be a priority for this year.

First they started with the logo. The old logo is on the left, and the new one on the right.

New Target Branding 01

After much discussion, Target is now mostly done with rolling out their new Market Pantry packaging.  The overall reception to the changes has been positive. Personally we feel the changes so far have been fantastic. See if you agree. The left side shows the old package, and the right the current version.

New Target Branding 02

Here are other new designs that Market Pantry has rolled out so far. There may be some variation with the versions you will see in stores.

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Now this aesthetic is nothing new. If you’ve been following graphic design trends, this aesthetic has been somewhat popular in some circles for around a decade, and has been the stereotypical “modern” look for a bit shorter than that.

The adoption of this style by such a huge brand might mean that perhaps the style has peaked. But as other major retailers such as Walmart and Costco still retain rather drab packaging, it just might mean that Target just takes good packaging seriously.

What do you think about this rebranding effort? Comment below!


Arthur Piccio manages YouTheEntrepreneur and has managed content for major players in the online printing industry. He was previously BizSugar's contributor of the week. His work has appeared multiple times on The New York Times' You're the Boss Small Business Blog. He enjoys guitar maintenance and reading up on history and psychology in his spare time.