Take away your images of little winged cherubs because there are not the angels you are looking for.
Azrael, Angel of Death
Chicago-based artist Peter Mohrbacher calls his project the Angelarium. According to him, the Angelarium is a place where experiences, ideas and archetypes exist as real living entities. It’s the domain of angels and emanations.
Taking inspiration from the apocryphal Book of Enoch and the Kabbalah, he illustrated the personified physical experiences we all share as angels.
Da’at, the Bearer of Burdens
“It was the names that got me inspired. Once I’d read the names of the Angels, I knew this was a project I wanted to take on. That was back in 2005,” says Pete.
Since then, the project spun a life of its own, with the fan-base inspiring the artist into new surreal angelic designs. This year, Angelarium has become Pete’s full time project.
Raziel, Angel of Mysteries
Currently, Angelarium is divided into three series, Watchers, Angels and Divine Emanations.
Check out some of Peter Mohrbacher’s angel illustrations below.
Eistibus, Angel of Divination
Hasmed, Angel of Annihilation
Israfel, Angel of Song
Kokabiel, Angel of Stars
Matariel, Angel of Rain
Rahab, Angel of the Deep
Sathariel, Angel of Deception
Shelegiel, Angel of Snow
Simikiel, Angel of Vengeance
Uriel, Angel of Flame
Zachriel, Angel of Memory
Support Peter Mohrbacher’s Angelarium by checking out his Patreon page. You can also check out his personal website and his Facebook page.
Which angel would you like to visit your dreams? Comment below!