What if a typeface magically becomes a person would you go out on a date with it? Who would you choose and why?
Type is everywhere, from signs to the texts that we are reading and as a designers we are expected to work with a vast number of typefaces on our lifetime. But what if typefaces are real people? Real people that not only we have to work with but we also go out on a date with? Which typeface would we chose? How do we find the potential one?

This is what graphic designer and educator Sarah Hyndman is trying to figure out using a series of survey games. The dating game is a part of the Type Tasting Human Experiment which a collection of interactive games, survey and interviews that ranges from how does typefaces taste and sound like to the which typeface would one take on a date. Hyndman is particularly interested in learning how do we humans respond to typefaces by associating it with personalities, taste and sound.

[pullquote]I’m curious about psychology and typefaces, the effect they have on us beyond the purely functional. I’ve created a series of surveys, interactive games and interviews. These explore how we all respond to typefaces, how they stimulate different senses, trigger memories and what different personalities they have. [/pullquote]
Currently, the Type Tasting Experiment has 8 surveys that you can answer or play with. We highly suggest that you guys try out the type dating game and the typeface personality specially if you are taking a break or you need some creative stimulation.

What do you guys think? Have you tried it out? What is your personality according to a type? If you haven’t tried it out we suggest you guys do specially if you are big fans of typography. Don’t forget to check us out in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest to learn more about cool and inspiring projects and design work.
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