Biz Features

7 Brainy Teens That Made It Big Before 21 [Infographic]

by . October 21st, 2014

According to the Kauffman Foundation the average age of first-timer in tech startups is 39. However, that age is slowly sinking, thanks to the rise in ingenious teens who have made millions in their still-young lives.

So, what set these teens apart from their peers, enabling them to earn millions before seeing the ripe old age of 21? How did they manage to take an idea to completion, earning big bucks before they were even old enough to vote? If you’re shaking your head in confusion now, brace yourself, because the humble beginnings of these exceptional tech entrepreneurs may surprise you.

The common denominator of all of these bright young people is the ability to see a need; to solve a problem. They came up with an idea and had faith in it, never wavering from their dreams. So, if you have a solution to a problem or an idea you feel will help others, go for it. The results may amaze you. Here is the information, advice and inspiration to put the wind under your wings and get you off to a great start – even if you’re well beyond your adolescent years.

So, get out your idea notebook and get cracking – your ultimate success lies in your hands. Do as these kids have and take a seed of an idea, plant and water it, and watch it grow before your eyes. From apps and websites, to platforms and web hosting companies, and even selling office chairs and repairing computers, these young millionaires have made it big, so find out how they took something we all have – a great idea – and made a fortune from it.

About the author


Marlon Gallano is an online marketing consultant. He enjoys sharing his research and experiences through blogging and his articles predominantly appear on business and marketing websites.