Biz Features

Freelancers and Job-seekers: 11 Reasons I Will Never Hire You [Slideshare]

by . March 24th, 2014

We’re not really in the business of talking to job applicants, but hear us out.

Freelancers and other contractors go through more job interviews than anyone. Every single contract involves interviews and at least a few background checks.

For anyone who’s managed some stability in their lives, the following slideshare would hardly come as a surprise. While Mark addressed this to fresh graduates, the lessons here can readily be applied to freelancers.

Click on the bottom right to view it full screen.

Having hired freelancers in the past, it amused me to know how relevant this slideshare was. In case the slideshare isn’t working for you, here are Mark’s 11 reasons:

1.) Your resume is longer than that of a 25-year professional.

2.) You didn’t prepare for our interviews.

3.) You didn’t bring questions for me.

4.) You wrote a thank you note and only used it to thank me.

5.) You dressed for failure.

6.) You don’t know what you want to do.

7.) You don’t get social media (but you think you do).

8.) You didn’t proofread.

9.) You don’t have a LinkedIn profile.

10.) (You didn’t) Do an internship

11.) You lacked professional courtesy

Except for #10, everything applies directly to all freelancers. As for dressing for success, the same applies when you choose a picture for a professional social network profile or a Skype interview.

If you’re just about to start down this or any other entrepreneurial path, do yourself a favor and try to understand that your clients probably do not owe you any contracts. You’ll have to earn them.

It’s also telling that the things that really bring most of us down isn’t the lack of talent. More often the problem lies in poor empathy and the lack of due diligence. If you think about it, these are all things we would appreciate if it were our turn to hire or offer contracts.

It’s amazing in a time where all the tools you need for success are literally a few touchscreen strokes away, our individual capacities to collate this incredible technological capital has often failed to keep pace with its development.

Clearly, people skills aren’t going out of style any time soon.

How do you prepare for client meets? Disagree with Mark? Hate this site? Comment below!

Image Credits

striatic via photopin cc
psd via photopin cc


Arthur Piccio manages YouTheEntrepreneur and has managed content for major players in the online printing industry. He was previously BizSugar's contributor of the week. His work has appeared multiple times on The New York Times' You're the Boss Small Business Blog. He enjoys guitar maintenance and reading up on history and psychology in his spare time.