There is just something with black and white images that makes it poetic. At times the absences of color is better because there are times that color can be obtrusive to the eye. There are times that the despite of the lack of color monochromatic photographs convey more than the full colored ones.
One photographer seems to have mastered capturing these kind of photographs. Enter the Indonesian based photographer Hengki Koentjoro, he takes expressive and calming images in black and white.
Hengki Koentjoro graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. He majored in video production and minored in fine art of photography at school. Hengki specialized in nature and documentaries. Hengki is a part time practitioner of the art of black and white photography, in which he believes to be his true purpose in life’s journey of expression. His works are outstanding and captivating, especially his photographs of nature and of human lives. Hengki’s black and white photographs gives it’s viewers an amazing dreamy visual narrative.
In his photo series called “Mindfulness” showcases people spending moments in tranquil.

More of Hengki Koentjoro’s outstanding photographs on 500px, Facebook, Flickr and Deviantart.