We are so sick of these. And yes, we’re guilty of most of them.
Hong Kong-based DigitalRev TV is probably one of the most informative photography channels on YouTube and you can bet they’ve seen it all. In this light-hearted, somewhat angry video, they give us and imagination-bereft photographers a piece of their mind.
1.) Selfies
2.) Bokeh Balls
3.) Signing your Photos
4.) Cheesy Filters
5.) Adding Text to Your Photos
6.) Sunset Photos
7.) Watermarks
8.) Add Borders To Your Photos
9.) Light Painting Your Name
10.) Selective Color
11.) B & W Art Nudes
12.) Blurry Waterfall
13.) Landscape Panoramas
14.) Clouds
15.) Lens Flare
16.) HDR
17.) B & W Photos That Should Be Color
18.) Zoom Burst
19.) Dutch Angle
20.) Touristy Photos
21.) Homeless People Photos
22.) “I’m a Photographer” Selfie
23.) Every Single Stock Photo Ever Made
24.) Optical Illusions
25.) Trollies
Our two cents
Of course, most of these things have their place — not the least of which is if a client actually demands them. Most of these only really problems when misused. What constitutes misuse is a topic for another post. A really, really long one.
Got any other pet peeves? Disagree with any of these? Comment below!