
Wisdom For My Children: Double Exposure Photography Project by Brandon Kidwell

by . August 5th, 2015

Perhaps one of the most precious gifts a father can impart to his children is wisdom.


Deriving from one’s experience, a father would want to teach and share the lessons he learned to his children.

But photographer Brandon Kidwell did more than that.

Using his talent in photography, he created double exposure photographs that captured his ideas, each with an accompanying “wisdom” caption.

“Failure and Regret are reserved for those who are afraid to reach with their heart,” writes Brandon in his project Wisdom For My Children. “To find your courage, you must first find your fears.”

Check out the rest of his photographs below:


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Brandon is currently working on a second part of this project.

Brandon Kidwell is “a husband, father, son brother, friend, part time philosopher and freelance photographer based out of Jacksonville Florida.” See the rest of his portfolio in his website and his Instagram.

What bit of wisdom would you like to impart to your children? Comment below!