Nature inspired designs are one of the most common techniques in almost all creative fields. However, having a great concept and a proper execution of this design idea can sometimes be a headache in placing elements like flowers, animals, trees, mountains and the like. Good thing there are various solutions today that can help out casual designers and creatives to realize that nature inspired design concept they’ve been thinking about. One of them is through the use of software like Adobe Photoshop. And to help you out achieve that nature inspired design, we give you this amazing set of Photoshop brushes.
Today’s amazing freebie is a set of brushes featuring 12 unique butterfly images that can be a good companion in adding that natural look in your next design projects. Download and use them for free. Enjoy and share!
Download this amazing set of brushes. Click the button below.
[sociallocker id=72770]
Download “12 Butterfly Photoshop Brushes” – Downloaded 2327 times – 6.93 MB
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