
Wallpaper Freebie for February 2013: LOVE Doodles

by . February 4th, 2013

The art of doodling has been around for quite some time and more and more people are enjoying it today not just as a way to kill boredom but also as another serious art form. This art of spontaneous drawing is now widely used as an effective visual element for various designs both for print and web.

And as a celebration of this trend, yours truly have applied some dose of doodle art for our monthly wallpaper freebie. February is considered to be the celebration of love for most people all over the world as we celebrate Valentine’s Day.

So in keeping up with this month’s theme, our featured wallpaper design is inspired by a love story of two little monsters showcasing some valuable moments of their lives in the doodle world.

The wallpaper is available in various sizes ranging from from 800 x 600 up to 2560 x 1440 – sizes just perfect to customize your favorite gadgets!

February 2013 Wallpaper Freebie by You The Designer

This freebie can be used not just as a wallpaper but as well as screensavers, your new Facebook cover photo, or might as well print it as a nice display on your room. The design is full packed with so much awesomeness!

Here are some snapshots of what’s in the wallpaper:




Moreover, I have included two additional images: the uncolored version and the inverted image. These will give you more options and the freedom to enjoy the fun of recoloring the doodle art.

Just click the button below. Enjoy! (Email subscribers, please visit the actual post page to download.)

Download “Wallpaper Freebie for February 2013: LOVE Doodles” – Downloaded 1761 times – 9.14 MB

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