Geronimo! Expecto Patronum! Lightning Thief! Lazarus. “May the odds be ever in your favor.”
Here is a series of fandom patterns to satisfy your fandom cravings. Fandom comes from the two words fan (fanatic) and the suffix –dom (kingdom). It refers to a group of fans sharing the same enthusiastic feeling towards certain things (books, movies, and TV series).
These wallpaper designs feature familiar items or objects from Doctor Who (Whovians), Harry Potter (Potterheads), Percy Jackson (Percy Peeps according to Logan Lerman), Sherlock (Sherlockians), and The Hunger Games (Mockingjays).
The designs are available in various sizes from 800×600 px to 2560×1440 px.
Just click the button below to download. Enjoy! (Email subscribers, please visit the actual post page to download.)