[pullquote]Souvenirs from places you’ll never visit.[/pullquote]
Searching and exploring through Behance’s discover page, we’ve stumbled upon this project featuring ordinary things created extraordinarily well.
Impossible Magnets, is a series of circular magnets showing distinctive illustrations of fictional places from various media such as films, books, comics, video games, mythology, and cartoons. While all of these are creations of different imaginative minds, we cannot help but wonder over this fantastic illustrations. Each magnet in the series has a consistent, striking graphic design style.

The project owners also created animated versions of each illustration in circular magnets that are equally beautiful! Pop culture geeks, feast your eyes!
Animated magnets.
Hill Valley (Back to the Future)
Death Star (Star Wars)
Castle Grayskull (Masters of the Universe)
Monkey Island
Gotham City (Batman)
Jurassic Park
Neverland (Peter Pan)
Asteroid B-612 (The Little Prince)
King’s Landing (Game of Thrones)
Mordor (Lord of the Rings)
“We all love to travel. And from each new place we visit, we always bring home something to remind us of it. But how can we get a souvenir of a place that we’ve only visited in our imagination?”
Impossible Magnets is a collaborative project of Martín Feijoó (idea & concept), Miguel Sousa & Sara Enriquez (illustrations & art direction), and Snack Studio (animations).

You may also get your Impossible Magnets
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[All images via Impossible Magnets on Behance.]