Less is more. Minimalism in design has become a popular trend today especially in UI design for websites. Characterized mostly by minimalist and flat colors and icons, flat design promotes a clean user interface that is clear and easy to understand.
While some people just didn’t like it, saying it is boring, more and more applications of this design trend are seen on app development, web design and even on print and advertising. And today in YTD, we showcase some of the most inspiring websites which use the flat design to communicate their message in the simplest way possible. Check them out below:
Tynan D’Arcy
The minimalist look and the use of flat shapes and elements makes this website of an international design agency clean, smooth and simple.
This video hosting website for business utilizes the flat concept through flat illustrations combining squares, rectangles and triangles forming a nice identity and branding for a video hosting website.
Ivo Mynttinen
The web portfolio of Ivo Mynttinen is a reflection of his clean, simple and sharp style in web design. The use of flat and light colors make his website smooth and easy to understand.
2012 Year on Twitter
Celebrating the year 2012 of Twitter was made special with this website. Aside from the list of global tweets and trends in Twitter last year, the use of flat colors and layout of the website made it simple and clean.
Minimal Monkey
The use of flat colors and text is not just the awesome thing about this website. The smooth navigation and transition effects makes this site stand out among other minimalist websites.
From the name itself, Flaticons showcases various flat and minimalist icons you can use in your next UI. The website is as simple as their icons that everything you need to know is viewed at a single page.
This website of a digital agency specializing in web design is highlighted by the flat layout and awesome minimalist illustrations.
Roy Barber
Freelance Web designer and developer, Roy Barber approached his website by using only two colors, a unique style of flat UI from the common use of multiple colors of other sites.
Into the Arctic | Greenpeace
A website of Greenpeace with the aim of raising the awareness of people in protecting the Arctic. Aside from the amazing navigation and exploration of the Arctic region, the site utilizes a clean and smooth flat UI design for simplicity and to easily communicate its message.
Lorenzo Verzini
This website of Italian designer and art director, Lorenzo Verzini utilizes a flat UI with a touch of cool illustrations and animations.
A website promoting a wireless speaker called Lowdi. With the use of smart animations, illustrations and flat colors and shapes, the page is more than just your regular product website.
Microsoft Windows
The sleek and “metro” look of the new design for Windows 8 is showcased in this website. Most says that the recent branding of the OS attribute the success of flat design.
The trend of using flat UI not only in web design will stay as developers, designers and end users continue to seek for a smooth, simple and fast user experience.
What do you guys think of this design trend? We will continue updating this list so if you know an awesome website using a flat layout and design, share to us the link as well us your thoughts and suggestions by leaving a message in the comment box below.
Stay awesome everyone!