It’s Creative Advertising Ideas again! And as always we are weeding away the clutter and picking out the most creative advertising ideas for the week.
We are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of advertisements on a daily basis. Some are good, some are not, but our aim is to deliver you, dear reader, the best and most creative advertising ideas around the web for your inspiration!

Windows 8
We are no strangers to “what-was-that’ kind of videos ever since Old Spice came out with seemingly hilarious random videos. Moving away from their usual bland and sometimes good-but-not-enough commercials, Windows recently released this series of videos specifically for the Asian market, which was well-received and is now moving to becoming the next viral video.

Reforma is a Mexican newspaper that emphasizes independent editorial and unbiased writing. Their recent campaign, with the help of Publicis, Mexico, showcases a very simple and direct approach, focusing on the idea of unfiltered, unbiased, and up-close delivery of news.

Mira Guide Dog Association
Mira is a foundation dedicated to helping disabled individuals by partnering with dogs trained to aid them free of charge. Commissioning artists James Jean, Kazuki Takamatsu, Davor Vrankic, and Tara Mc Pherson to create amazing print ads showcasing the relationship between guide dogs and the handicapped.

Finding a parking space is one main problem for car owners living in the metro, which is why smart cars are slowly gaining popularity. Smart, a smart car manufacturer, wanted to showcase how economical and easy it is to park one. Their creative advertising idea: Use a simple but witty direct mail campaign with cardboard and elastic bands.

Kidum School
Kidum is an SAT-prep school that wants to identify the smartest students and invite them to the course with a special incentive. To do that, they asked TBWA, Tel Aviv, to create a special campaign. The creative advertising idea: ask students to answer an SAT demo test designed as a QR code. With the right answer, students will be able to activate the QR code to claim a prize. is a Slovak electronics online store, and they wanted a sales promotion that would encourage people to upgrade their appliances. Instead of the usual approach, they asked people to register their old appliances, and in return, they received a voucher for a new one. What is amazing is that picks one lucky old appliance, and it is given an awesome experience.

How do you guys like this week’s Creative Advertising Ideas? Tell us which ads you like the most! We’d also like to hear your insights, and if we missed something, just give us a beep in the comments section.