What would it look like if your favorite Houses in Game of Thrones are turned into big corporations? What would the Starks, the Lannisters and the Greyjoys be like? Don’t worry no spoilers in this one!

Shutterstock made these amazing adaptations of HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones from it’s medieval setting to a more a contemporary setting. Using their assets they have recreated the different houses into big corporations and unlike in the series where the houses contested their claims or at least help other houses to claim the throne. The different houses are contesting and flexing their marketing prowess to win costumers with their savvy marketing materials.
Basing on the different attributes of the various houses such as massive wealth and weather endurance, Shutterstock used these attributes to design and brand the different houses according their what their company offers.

SEE ALSO: Game of Thrones Playing Cards by Jim Tuckwell

What do you guys think? Which brand design for the different houses is your most favorite?
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