As creatives, most of us has been inspired by the words of famous persons that influence our career, lifestyle and even our perspective in life. These quotes motivate us from time to time to the extent that we even print and post some of them whether on our desks, workstations or hang them on walls as posters.
Malaysia-based graphic designer, Tang Yau Hoong utilize the idea of creating posters out of our favorite quotes. His project called “The Quote Illustration Project” showcases a series of posters featuring some popular quotes interpreted through simple but meaningful illustrations accompanied by good choice of typography.

We got the chance to talk to Tang and ask him few questions about this particular project and his creative process. Check out the short interview below:

YTD: Hi Tang! How are you and how’s Malaysia?
TANG: Hi! I’m fine. Thank you. It is hot here.
YTD: Give us a little background about your work in graphic design.
TANG: I am a 28 years old visual artist/ illustrator/ graphic designer from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I hope to make graphics that spark the viewer. As a graphic designer I try to convey messages visually. I like simplistic works and will always try to make my illustrations as simple as possible. Having said that, I do not limit myself to certain style or medium and I always try to create something fresh and express my idea in a creative way.
YTD: One of the many interesting projects you’ve done that amazes us is “The Quote Illustration Project”. How did you come up with the idea of combining famous quotes with your illustrations?
TANG: Most of them are old illustrations that I redrew to match the style I was looking for and the meaning of the corresponding quote. One day, I was browsing these old designs again and thought of giving them new lifes so here is the result. The only unpublished illustration is Steve Jobs which triggered the project.

YTD: Can you share us your creative process? From where did you start?
TANG: There is nothing secret. Basically I do a lot of thinking, sketching and brainstorming to get new ideas. To me, a good idea is the result of evolution.

YTD: What are the tools you used?
TANG: I use graphic tablet for final artwork. Before that I do a lot of sketching and doodling in my sketchbook for brainstorming.

YTD: Which of them is your most favorite?
TANG: At the moment my personal favorite is “Light painter”.
YTD: Is there any other famous quote in your mind you hope to illustrate in the future?
TANG: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
But I’m not sure if I am going to illustrate this one.

YTD: Are there prints, merchandise and other products from those illustrations? Where can we get some?
TANG: Some of my work including the quote project are available as art prints on my shop.

YTD: Any future plans for the project?
TANG: I might continue to make more quote illustrations and see how it goes. There is no planning at the moment yet.

Check out Tang’s website for more information or his Behance portfolio to see more of his cool projects.
SEE ALSO: Hilarious Posters for Photographers
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