
You! Be Inspired! #0005 – NYT’s Lively Morgue, Festival of Colors, and PREVIIEW

by . May 16th, 2012

Every geek out there is probably giddy about this week, especially today. Today marks the release of the third Diablo game (which basically took more than a decade to make). Diablo 3 aside, we’ll be featuring some street artists this week and we’ll talk about the art of sticker bombing and wheatpasting. Enough about this week’s events and topics, today we give to you this week’s edition of You! Be Inspired! Here we go!

Lively Morgue – New York Time’s Photographs

It’s refreshing to find old photos being uploaded online and archived digitally. The New York Times recently created a Tumblr blog featuring photos from their physical archive of some hundred-thousands of photographs. Of course, they’re not posting the whole archive online; rather they’ll be uploading some choice pictures for everyone’s entertainment. They’ve called the online archive “Lively Morgue“.

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Emmanuel Romeuf — Art Director

For graphic designers whose work focuses on advertising and branding, you may want to check out Emmanuel Romeuf’s portfolio. Mr. Romeuf, a Paris-based art director, has worked with different media, from editorials, web design, and illustrations.

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Room 181

One of our main sources for inspiration are different the different ‘zines that we find online. What’s good about these ‘zines, aside from the fact that they’re on the internet is that most of them are for free. You can check Room181, they’ve got interesting material on their recent release – “Infinity”.

Graphic Design Magazine


If you’re an amateur photographer looking for inspiration or style, you may want to check PREVIIEW. They feature photographers all over the globe and their top seven most creative shots. So if you’re a professional photographer who’s looking for global exposure, you can submit your works to their site.

Professional Photography

Festival of Colours

The Holi, the Festival of Colours, is an interesting and colorful event that’s being celebrated by hindus worldwide. In the US, the Festival of Colors was held in Spanish Fork, UT. The colorful event was captured by Thomas Halk. You can check the whole gallery on his flickr, or on his official website.

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Riding the recent release of the Avengers (2012) film, Eurydyka Kata & Rafal Szczawinski of re:design, made a minimalist tribute to our favorite superheroes. You can check more of their work in their blog or on their official website.

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Studio Fausentast

Here’s another team oozing with creativity – Studio Fausentast. You may want to check their portfolio if you’re planning to explore different mediums of graphic design. The projects that they’ve done ranges from packaging design, brochure prints, branding, to web design.

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YouTheDesigner is a graphic design blog under the UCreative Network. We do features; give away brushes, icons, wallpapers, and other freebies; and bring you the latest news in the world of graphic design.