Fashion illustration has been a staple in most fashion magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar and such. Other than seeing fashion illustrations in magazines it is also used in advertising, fashion boutiques, shows and even in event flyers. The rich fluid lines, bold colors and sometimes the painterly like quality of an illustration brings a whole different sense and meaning in translating clothes that captures and entertains the viewer. While photography does a great job in showing the beauty of fashion, there are times that a good old hand made work brings out a more intimate and sincere approach. This is why for today’s post we are bringing you dear readers some of the most talented and upcoming fashion illustrators and a piece of their work for your eyes to feast upon.

Mustafa Soydan

Adriana Krawcewicz

Soleil Ignacio

Steph Manuel

Kevin Wada

Floyd Grey

Fab Ciraolo

George Stavrinos

Caroline Andrieu

Shelsey Birch

Magda Antoniuk

Tsu Wong

Tara Dougans

Manuel Rebollo

Paul Rabrabhi

Nuno Dacosta

Sabine Pieper

Caroline Andrieu

Richard Kilroy

Christina Koutsospyrou

Francesca Waddell

Hanna Müller

Cecilia Carlstedt

Monsieur Qui

Laura Laine

Kelly Thompson

Richard Gray

Ignasi Monreal

Jorge Roa

Spiros Halaris

Berto Martinez

Natsuki Otani

Masaki Mizuno

Esra Roise

Marguerite Sauvage
If you were Anna Wintour of Vogue or Glenda Bailey of Harper’s Bazaar who needs to have a stunning and a visually captivating piece for the next issue, which for these awesome pieces will you feature in your magazine?