
You! Be Inspired! — Photoshop in Real Life

by . December 7th, 2012

Wouldn’t it be nice if Photoshop was real? All those blemishes will be gone with just a pinch, that annoying eye bag will be gone in just a matter of seconds and finally no-one will have to spend millions and millions of money to buy beauty products anymore. While many are still wishing that someone should make a Photoshop or at least a patch tool in real life — Flóra Borsi is a Hungary based photographer who did a mini-series of what would it be like if Photoshop was real and how would people use it. The resulting images are hilarious and very well thought of, we are now thinking that Adobe should get her to do a print ad for Photoshop.

Don’t forget to check out Flora’s other work here. What do you guys think? Share your thoughts at the comments below!