It’s the end of the week and it only means that we are going to look back at some of the coolest, inspiring and sometimes gut-wrenching stuff that the internet has given to us.
One of the best we’ve seen this week is Devin Mitchell’s addition to his project called Veteran Vision Project. The new photographs in the project focuses on individuals who experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or commonly known as PTSD. The Veteran Vision Project featured images of army veterans who see their civilian or their military selves in front of a mirror. Mitchell wanted to help spread awareness of daily challenges that the veteran community constantly faces and struggle against.
At the beginning of the project, Mitchell wanted to let the veterans have their say through his photographs. He finds that many projects about veterans to be too one-sided and he wanted very much to explore the surrounding issues about the veteran no matter how dark and heavy the subject is. The video below shares the thoughts of the individuals who took part in Mitchell’s project:
You can find the rest of the story in DesignTaxi.
- Sold Out: Alec Soth Snapchat Photos That Disappear After 10 Seconds (Petapixel)
- The X100 Collective: 9 International Photographers and Their Visual Stories (Fstoppers)
- Las Muertas: Photos by Tim Tadder (Faith is Torment)

- Insightful Photographs of New York City’s Squat Communities in the 1990s (It’s Nice That)
- Steampunk Inspired Photo Shoot | How You Shot It (SLRLounge)
- At Kodak, Clinging to a Future Beyond Film (The New York Times)
- Elitedaily uses Photographer Peter Menzels Work Without Permission Menzel Responds with Lawsuit (DIYPhotography)
- 9 Photo Composition Tips (feat. Steve McCurry)
- Post-Processing Trends in Wedding Photography (Pavel Kounine Photography)
- Hidden Smiles Portraits of Vietnamese (Fubiz)
- Photographer Gregory Heisler on the Importance of “Shooting what you can’t help but Shoot” (Feature Shoot)
Don’t forget to give us your thoughts! We’d like to hear what you guys have to say at the comments below!