Interviews have always been a great way to learn tips and tricks from successful designers and entrepreneurs, making them an important learning tool. Being a successful t shirt designer or clothing line owner is no easy task so if you are serious about bettering yourself and gaining some insight into the inner workings of the t shirt design industry check out some of these awesome t shirt interviews. These interviews are also just a fun and great way to get to know the people behind your favorite brands and t shirt designs better, so dig in!
Interview With Draco

Interview With Matthew Skiff

Interview With a.mar.illo

Interview With Johnny Cupcakes

Interview With Jimiyo

Interview With Wotto

Interview With Shirt Fight!

Interview With Amir at Beautiful/Decay Apparel

Interview With Reese Imhof of 410 BC

Interview With Keaton Henson

Interview With GodMachine

Interview With Pyknic

Threadless Interviews

Interview with Jeff Finley of Go Media

Interview With Shred Clothing

Interview With Jimiyo 2

Interview With Founder of Retro Campaigns

Interview With Inkemplete

Interview With Kyle Crawford of Electric Zombie Clothing

Interview With Kevin Hartranft

Interview With Glamour Kills Owner Mark Capicotto

Interview with David Murray of SEIBEI