Logo design is one of the prime aspects of a business without which a company cannot stand and succeed in this extremely competitive field. In building the brand identity or brand image, logo design plays a vital role. The same happened with Coca-cola, the largest beverage company of the world. Among the brand-centered companies Coca-cola is an excellent example, which has enjoyed the prime brand of the world from 2000 to 2009, for the long ten years. The brand has been very consistent over time and the branding process of Coke is something everybody should know. Like the brand name of a company the Logo is of vital importance bearing the image of the company. In fact a unique logo design is the direct reflection of the image of a company or a business. Therefore for building a powerful brand, a unique and notable Logo is necessary.

The striking Logo of Coco-Cola was designed by Frank Mason Robinson who was a bookkeeper and partner of John Pemberton. It was drawn and designed with handwritten Spencerian cursive scripts. It was Robinson who chose the distinctive cursive script of the Logo and came up with the name of Coca-Cola with an idea that two Cs in advertising would look great. This Logo was designed in the middle of 19th century and during that period in the United States this kind of handwriting was the most leading form of formal handwriting. To tempt the minds of young folks the Logo was kept simple yet unique and distinctive in red and white color. This ‘youthful exuberance of America’ is also nicely reflected in the bottle designs of Coke.

Over the decades we have seen various designs of its bottle and the most famous of all was the “contour bottle” or curved-vessel bottle of 1915. Many know this as “hobble skirt” bottle. The brand logo that is like the bottle is marked as the best designed Logo ever and is highly popular.
Advertized first time in 1915 in the Atlanta Journal, Coca-Cola logo also made appearance in the Pemberton’s pharmacy display. Later Raymond Loewy created a dispenser where the popular logo design was used. Getting registered in the year 1887, the custom design of Coca-Cola’s logo has become a trademark and the corporate identity of the brand.
The coherence of letters in the Coca-Cola Logo bears the characteristics of liquid and reflects a sense of movement with an appearance of a long white corrugation. The powerful brand identity of Coca-Cola owes a lot to its unique Logo Design. It has not only helped to enhance market competition, it has also represented the credibility of the company ideally as an invaluable and intangible asset.

In the world of global economic development the latest trend is to center on brand culture and the decision makers of most of the commercial enterprises have definite thoughts and plans about the basics of its brand culture and they put lot of effort to make a brand more powerful. In such a scenario finding a strong brand is very much important for a company.
Dominating the soft drink market of the world for decades, Coca-Cola Logo has remained as one of the more powerful brands and this is because their brand strategy has been successful and it is capable of giving manifold inspirations. The cultural foundation of Coke is based on its brand name and unique logo and without this cultural foundation it was not be possible to generate such an enormous brand value with only advertising. It is also important that the brand image of a company is spread and for this a perfect marketing strategy should be followed. Apart from this product, place, price and promotion has made people understand its brand, get familiar with it and accept the brand as well. The brand miracle of Coca-Cola is the result of its simple yet remember-able logo design and brand strategy.
Since a good logo bears the identity and image of your brand or business, you should not hesitate in getting a Logo and for this get a company that offers quality work.
About the Author
Ms.Emily is an expert Logo Designer who has been rendering a great service in this field for the past 3 years now.She loves to impart his thoughts pertaining Custom Logo Design. In this article she is sharing some valuable information with her readers on how the Logo of Coca Cola helped it to become World Class Brand. |