
Ready to Shine? Shinebox Print Can Help!

by . February 13th, 2008

With todays crazy job competition designers have to think hard about how they want to present their portfolios. Many designers have a nice case for the print portfolio which they would probably not want to leave at some office. I have a nice woodgrain portfolio from veer which was a gift from a client and I would not want to leave this at some office, because things do get damaged and misplaced in offices and busy studios.

Disposable Portfolios to the Rescue!

This is why I recommend having a disposable portfolio handy to give to potential employers after the interview or via mail. The key is to find a professional way to display your work that will allow potential employers to quickly view your projects. You also want the portfolio to stand out among the piles of portfolios and of course the portfolio should be disposable, meaning easily replaced.


As you all know I spend many hours on the internet, maybe too many hours, but its all for you! My recent web surfing landed me on the website of Shinebox Print.

Fully Customizable Booklets

Shinebox Print offers fully customizable booklets that are perfect for business cards and portfolios. They have mini and large sizes, each with 3 different styles containing 20 neatly perforated cards that are bound into a closeable cover to help keep your work safe.

I think these booklets would be great for displaying a portfolio and I’m going to test it out myself! I’m very excited to how it turns out and if you want to see some samples of their work you can check out their flickr page, which has some amazing examples.

I would love to know what you guys have done as far as disposable portfolios go and please feel free to share any ideas or resources relating to disposable portfolios.


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