Behance is a great website for visionary professionals dedicated to organizing the creative community and making ideas happen. Artists and designers can showcase their work, network, collaborate and learn all in one area.
The Behance website itself is well-designed with many features and a solid framework. A lot of hard work was obviously spent creating this site, and it is evident even after one look around the place.
Key Behance Features
- Showcase Your Portfolio Online
- Network & Collaborate Via “Circlesâ€
- Discover Career Opportunities
- Exchange Tips and Gain knowledge
- Participate in Rewarding Contests
The Behance Think Tank
The Behance Think Tank oversees the network, and is involved in research, product development, writing articles, and interviewing innovative professionals with the goal of increasing productivity in the creative community.
Behance is dedicated to helping you be as productive as possible. Try Behance for yourself at