This week in Tutorial Tuesday – we feature 10 easy Illustrator Tutorials for Beginners. When you’re trained in Photoshop and just getting started in Illustrator it’s quite easy to get lost in the fray of things. YouTheDesigner has curated a list of 10 tutorials for beginners to really get started with the program and to help brush up on their Illustrator game.
Coming from the source of the programme itself, Adobe gives out clever – easily paced walkthroughs of how to make heads or tails of the program.
For anyone creating a logo or even doing more complex artworks, it’s sort of imperative that you learn the ins and outs of the Pathfinder Tool. It will be your best friend.
Color makes or breaks a piece and if you can master the art of color palettes, you can go further as a designer. This tutorial shows you how to effortless set up your palettes.
The blend tool is another really big asset to any designers tool kit and it helps immensely with everything from shapes to colors.
The first piece of design advice I wish I had gotten when I was learning Illustrator was that – everything is composed of shapes. This explores some really easy and convenient tips about constructing forms with shapes.
Our friends over at the Tuts+ Network are generally really great about Tutorials. When I first started with Illustrator, I did the little exercise with the word ‘Vector’ to teach me about how to handle Bezier Curves. This is also a great read for advanced Pen Tooling.
When you’re coming from Photoshop – there are moments of genuine frustration where you stare at the screen and go ‘this is so much easier in Photoshop’. This collection of tips solves half the headscratchers that might be plaguing you.
The Illustrator Gradient Panel can be very difficult to wrangle. This is a quick guide to managing your gradients.
I can wax poetic for hours about the importance of readable and gorgeous type. Handling text can be tricky, but this quick list of short cuts should help you improve your workflow.
This covers how to add grain, patterns and textures to your illustrations your pieces.
If you want more tutorials – you can also check out our last tutorial where we taught you how to create this awesome Bob Dylan Poster. Please feel free to show us your work! Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below.You can also hit us up on our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles. Lastly, our RSS Feeds is open for subscription so that you can stay creative!