Biz Features

Rags to Riches: Maxing out your chances of success [Infographic]

by . April 11th, 2015

73 of the world’s 100 wealthiest are self-made. Here’s how they did it.

Self-made millionaires now dominate the ranks of the world’s richest. Not surprisingly, a few uncontrollable factors make it easier to be that rich, including the country and culture you are born into. However, even those who find themselves in less-than-ideal situations can make it.

Anna Vital recently came up with another infographic that outlines the these self-made billionaires have in common.

from-poor-to-rich-billionare-infographic (1)Source

What orphan billionaires without a degree did:

  • Bought ruined ventures
  • Eat with employees
  • Made investments
  • Had a single, life-changing deal
  • Micromanage
  • Foresee trends
  • Tried multiple businesses


  • Just because you can make it without a degree or support from family doesn’t mean those things don’t help.
  • Could you still be called “self-made” if you’re one of the 64 billionaires who weren’t born to poor parents?
  • Where does “self-made” even begin?
  • Investments help offset risk.
  • Blue collar doesn’t necessarily translate to poor, such as in IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprand’s case.
  • Most of these billionaires live frugal lives, comparatively anyway, compared to their sizable fortunes.


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Disclaimer: YouTheEntrepreneur is not affiliated with the author of the infographic or any of the sites mentioned.


Arthur Piccio manages YouTheEntrepreneur and has managed content for major players in the online printing industry. He was previously BizSugar's contributor of the week. His work has appeared multiple times on The New York Times' You're the Boss Small Business Blog. He enjoys guitar maintenance and reading up on history and psychology in his spare time.